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Revision as of 06:33, 8 January 2011

The Lucifer and Biscuit Hammer
Original Manga Satoshi Mizukami
Director/Artist Satoshi Mizukami
Format Manga
Made By Young King OURs
Episode Length N/A
# of Episodes N/A


Sum it up in a sentence

It's the end of the world as they know it, and they feel fine.

Main Description

20-year-old college student Amamiya Yuuhi is a cynical loner as a result of a deceased father and an abusive grandfather. When Sir Noi Crezant, a talking lizard and one of the Beast Knights, appears one morning on Yuuhi's chest and tells him of his planet's impending demise by the hands of a powerful psychic, Animus, Yuuhi could care less. That is, until Yuuhi meets 14-year-old super powered "princess" Asahina Samidare. When Yuuhi hears of Samidare's motivation for defeating Animus, so that she can destroy the world herself, Yuuhi immediately becomes the loyal knight of this fearsome princess. Eventually fighting alongside eleven other Beast Knights, Yuuhi and Samidare combat twelve Golems, beings created by Animus who are invisible to everyone except the Princess and the Beast Knights, in order to encounter and defeat Animus. All while this is happening, Yuuhi and Samidare keep their intentions hidden away from their allies until the very last moment. However, these Golems are no pushovers and none of them will hesitate to kill any of the Beast Knights.

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