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This is the basic template for creating a page for a new anime/manga series. Feel free to add sections to what is shown but please keep the basic layout intact*.
Original Manga Katsuhiro Omo
Director/Artist Katsuhiro Omo & A ton of famous people
Format Anime (Film)
Made By Toho
Episode Length 113 Minutes
# of Episodes 3


Mystery, Sci-Fi, Comedy, Psychological, Seinen

Sum it up in a Sentence:

Holographic Ghost Seduces Space Salvage Crew, Lab Tech has really awful first day at work with an Itano Circus and a fog machine, Phallic imagery takes on a new, depressing, tone.

Main Description

Memories consists of three dazzling stories, each delivered with its own style. "Magnetic Rose," based on a manga short by Katsuhiro Otomo, concerns two space travelers following a distress signal drawn into a magnificent world created by one woman's memories. In "Stink Bomb," a young chemist accidentally transforms himself into an unstoppable biological weapon set on a direct course for Tokyo. "Cannon Fodder" depicts a day in the life of a city whose entire purpose is the firing of cannons at an unknown enemy.

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