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Revision as of 22:47, 15 January 2007 by Pierson (talk | contribs)

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This is the basic template for creating a page for a new anime/manga series. Feel free to add sections to what is shown but please keep the basic layout intact*.
Original Manga
Director/Artist Some Guy
Format OVA
Episode Length 1 year
# of Eps/Volumes 7363736
*This way I don't have to change everything around when I get custom forms working. :)


<Genre of the series>

Short Outline

<A basic outline of what the series is about i.e. "Musashi Gundou is a series about a samurai who gets into amazing crazy adventures! Also it is terrible!">

Main Descrption

<This is the real meat of the page. Put your character bios, plot synopses, music themes and in-depth analysis here. Please try and avoid spoilers as much as possible. Use ===text=== to create sub-headings.>

If You Liked This, You Might Like...

  • <Links to pages or names of other series that you may like if you liked this one>
  • <ditto>
  • <etc>

Personal Opinions

<Name of opinion-writer>

<If you like, write what you thought of the series>