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Revision as of 04:22, 20 January 2007 by Nate RFB (talk | contribs)

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This is the basic template for creating a page for a new anime/manga series. Feel free to add sections to what is shown but please keep the basic layout intact*.
Original Manga
Director/Artist Some Guy
Format Anime (OVA)
Episode Length 1 year
# of Eps/Volumes 7363736
*This way I don't have to change everything around when I get custom forms working. :)


<List the Genres of the series here. To do so, you should include somewhere in this entry [[Category:Name of Category]]. You should do this as well for the format (Anime (TV), Manga, etc.) and for the "All Pages" category. When listing the genres themselves (so people can see them), using internal wiki linking would be preferred, which would be the same as above except you'd do something like:

[[:Category:Drama|Drama]], which would look like this: Drama

You want to do this part right so that people will be able to find your entry! For a list of genres, check out the Index>

Short Outline

<A basic outline of what the series is about i.e. "Musashi Gundou is a series about a samurai who gets into amazing crazy adventures! Also it is terrible!">

Main Description

<This is the real meat of the page. Put your character bios, plot synopses, music themes and in-depth analysis here. Please try and avoid spoilers as much as possible. Use ===text=== to create sub-headings.>

If You Liked This, You Might Like...

  • <Links to pages or names of other series that you may like if you liked this one, using [[Name of Article]] as code to use>
  • <ditto>
  • <etc>

Personal Opinions

<Name of opinion-writer>

<If you like, write what you thought of the series>


<Links to official websites, well-known fansites etc>