Gunslinger Girl

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Gunslinger Girl
We don't talk to police
Original Manga Yu Aida
Director/Artist Morio Asaka
Format Anime (TV)
Made By Madhouse
Episode Length 23 Minutes
# of Episodes 13


Drama, Seinen, Girls with Guns, some Action, but not as much as you would expect from a series with "Gunslinger" in the title.

Short Outline

A group of young girls are brainwashed and modified into powerful cybernetic assassins, however they are still very emotionally unstable and innocent at heart. The title is misleading, this anime is less about "gunslinging" as it is about character development and the girls' fanatical attachment to their "handlers". While there are a few good action scenes, most people looking to watch "chibi loli's" ironically shooting the shit out stuff will be disappointed.

Main Description

A group of girls are exploited by a so-called "Social Welfare Agency" that takes abandoned, hopeless, or terminally ill girls and places cybernetic implants in their bodies, effectively giving them a second chance at life. However, this is a double edged sword; the girls become the property of the Agency and undergo "conditioning", which removes most of their memory and makes them zealously attached to their handler. They are still little girls at heart, with the exception that they don't mind killing, feel little pain, and have no fear except for the well being of their handler. They make perfect assassins; they follow orders, they are willing to die for their master, and nobody suspects little girls... but they also cry like little girls.

The storyline centers around Henrietta and her handler Giuseppe. Together a cyborg and her handler make up a fratello. Each fratello has a different relationship, some of them can be cruel, others, such as Henrietta's, are very mutual. The girls are treated poorly by common standards and sometimes abused, because they are viewed by most as a weapon, something to be discarded when used up. Other handlers have personal battles with the morality of their job.

This is also a good pick for gun affectionados because the ontological accuracy of the weapons is very high.

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Personal Opinions


At times, it was outright sad. The only other anime that made me feel this way was maybe Elfen Lied


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