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This is RahXephon
Director/Artist Yutaka Izubuchi
Format Anime (TV)
Made By Victor Entertainment/BONES
Episode Length 23 minutes
# of Episodes 26


Drama, Sci-Fi, Psychological, Mecha, Action

Sum it up in a Sentence

In the midst of battle, a teenage boy leaves his home and finds another world outside of Tokyo, which is locked in conflict with his former home.

Main Description

The city of Tokyo has been overthrown, taken over by Invaders who have devastated the rest of the planet. For 15 years, the remnants of the human race have fought a losing battle against the Mu and their Dolem, knowing that the key to victory lies within the domed walls of Tokyo Jupiter, where time flows in a different path and none of the mind-wiped citizens even know that the city has been conquered. But no one has been able to get into Tokyo. Until now.

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Personal Opinions


At first I thought this was going to be just another mecha anime, but it really isn't. I found the subtle changes and the surrounding story very captivating and well executed. Not to mention that I think the animation and art direction in general is absolutley brilliant. Izubuchi, the director for this, said that he wanted to set a new standard for mecha anime with RahXephon and I think he succeeded quite a bit (even though he'd probably argue that newer animes only sort of lived up to his expectations). There is a huge variety of influences which really makes this anime one of a kind for me. The Dolems and RahXephon itself acting with and reacting to sound, the references to various older civilizations and cultures and mainly the setting in which this anime is placed have made me re-watch it at least a dozen times by now. I just find the idea of Tokyo being under this dome-shaped barrier and everyone inside thinking they're the only ones left alive on this planet rather intriguing and interesting. Definitely one of my favorite animes.
