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To be inserted by someone who knows wiki stuffs.

Sum it up in a Sentence:

A dystopian future pits gangs against each for control of Lux (Lukuss) as a boxer loses an arm and a leg and the seer of the future shrugs away from what she sees.

Main Description

The city of Lux has been ruled for many years by the Organo. A crime syndicate who rule and use the technology know as texhnoloyze (fake limbs) to empower it's members and keep a mafia like control over the city of Lux. Opposed to them are a body of fanatics who believe in the bodies own power and reject all artificial power inflation though texhnolyzation. Between them lie a small gang knwon as the Raccan willing to watch these two powers fight to take advantage.

The story unfolds as an intertwining tale between all three sides of the power struggle and reveals how each twist and turn impacts upon the life and politics of the city.

This series is very experimental and as such very difficult to watch. The first episode (24 minutes) contains about six sentences of dialogue and much of the background and inferred meaning behind actions and relationships are not revealed until half way through the series.

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Personal Opinions


I watched the first episode for a while and turned it off after I realised I'd watched for about 15 minutes with something like 6 lines of dialogue to support all the bizzare fucked up and unexplained imagery I had seen. I like the idea of fucked up anime stuff but this was just too much for me, it was until I took a second attempt I got a slight snippet of meaningless words and a few episodes later perhaps some of the things presented to me happened to start arranging themselves in a manner which could be understood. At the half way point of the series most of the keeping the viewer in the dark and confusing the hell out of them seems to have gone through an innate understanding of what's going on and where the plot is going, but even then you are kept guessing constantly.
