The Five Star Stories

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The Five Star Stories
The Five Star Stories
Format Manga / Anime (Movie)
Original Manga Nagano Mamoru
# of Volumes 12+
Director (Movie) Kazuo Yamazaki
Studio Sunrise
Movie Length 66 Minutes


Drama, Mecha, Fantasy, Sci-Fi

Sum it up in a Sentence:

In a star cluster consumed by war and strife, battles are fought by mecha known as "Motor Headds" piloted by psychic humans along with their genetically-engineered Fantima co-pilots; but this unchanging history of war is about to be changed.

Main Description

The Joker Cluster was once ruled by an ancient "super empire" that enjoyed a level of technology beyond comprehension and spread their influence throughout the Joker Galaxy. However, after nine thousand years, the empire collaypsed under internal strife, and the civilization degenerated into one of feudal strife. Much of technology was lost, and civilization seemed doomed.

Two thousand years after the fall of the empire, Amaterasu, the Emperor of the Amaterasu Kingdom Demesene, is born, full of supernatural psychic powers. Together with his fantima companion, Lachesis, he will seek to end war in the Joker Cluster and finally bring it to peace.

There is a rather long and ongoing manga, and a single movie adaptation. The movie is an encapsulated version of the first volume.

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Personal Opinions


Recently got done watching Five Star Stories.

Man, if ever there was an anime movie made for me, it's this one. Combine my rampant 80's sci-fi nostalgia with an almost overbearingly lush violin score, and it was an hour of pure heaven for me. I also loved the pervading feeling that what we were seeing was a very small slice of an enormous whole; there aren't many anime that can really make me believe that there is an entire world out there, beyond the scope of what we're shown.

I'm also a sucker for a certain aesthetic. My all time favorite anime OAV has one of those moments where the music, direction, and animation come together and I start to get misty-eyed just by the execution of the scene. This movie had several of those moments for me--the scene where Clotho makes her escape and is running down the road, for example. (Yes, I know, it's a slightly odd, ridiculous reaction to have to scenes like that, but I can't help it.)

This is definitely a series I want to explore more in depth.
