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Original Manga Yuki Suetsugu
Director/Artist Morio Asaka
Format Anime (TV)
Made By Madhouse
# of Episodes 25


Sports, Romance, Drama

Sum it up in a Sentence:

The series focuses on three friends brought together by the traditional Japanese card game Karuta.

Main Description

Chihaya Ayase is a girl who has spent most of her life simply supporting her sister in her model career. That changes when she meets a boy named Arata Wataya, a talented karuta player. He thinks that Chihaya has a potential to become a great player. As Chihaya takes on a new dream of becoming Japan's best karuta player, she is soon separated from her karuta playing friends as they grow up. Now in high school, Chihaya still continues to play karuta in the hope that she will one day meet her friends again.


Chihaya Ayase

Voiced by: Asami Seto
A headstrong girl who holds a strong admiration for her fashion model sister, but ultimately has no aspirations of her own. She becomes close to Arata after seeing him bullied by her classmates and is inspired by his own love of competitive Karuta to partake in it as well.

Taichi Majima

Voiced by: Mamoru Miyano
Childhood friend of Chihaya. A popular and arrogant boy who is quick to bully Arata. Kind of a huge jerk, but has a strong sense of pride in himself instilled by a family that refuses to accept failure.

Arata Wataya

Voiced by: Yoshimasa Hosoya
A transfer student to Chihaya and Taichi's school. He's consistently bullied for an endless number of reasons, but never loses sight of his goal to be the greatest Karuta player in the world.

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Personal Opinions

a kitten

A show combining amazing characters, fierce competition, friendships, rivalries, a love of language, tentative love, growing up, humor, drama and really basically everything I love to see in a story doesn't come along very often and this show is now one of my true favorites. All of the cast is well written, nuanced and so amazingly human that every episode (even the recap episode!) was a true joy to watch and get caught up in.
