Soul Eater

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Soul Eater
Original Manga Atsushi Okubo
Director/Artist Takuya Igarashi
Format Anime (TV),
Made By Bones
Episode Length
# of Eps/Volumes 51 ep., 21+ vol.



Sum it up in a Sentence:

A group of Shinigami students and their weapons embark on a quest to absorb evil souls in order to become Death-scythes.

Main Description

At Shibusen, the school for training shinigami, there is a group of students all with the same goal. There are the meisters and their weapon partners, who are able to turn into a certain weapon at will. The "main" characters of the story are Maka and her partner, Soul. The rest of the main cast includes Black Star, the little egomaniac, and his partner Tsubaki and Death the Kid, the son of Shinigami himself with his twin partners Liz and Patti. Each groups main goal is to absorb the souls of 99 humans and 1 soul in order to become a death-scythe, but that becomes unimportant upon the revelation of a plot that will plunge the world into madness.

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Personal Opinions


I am sort of split over this anime. On one hand it has really good characters, great animation and an interesting, if unexplored, setting. On the other hand the story ends up a little weak because the manga is set up to go on for like 3 more years and Bones had to pull a premature ending. They did a decent job of it, but it got a little too cliche at times and a few of the villains were given anticlimactic ends compared to their buildup in the episodes before. Bones also made a few episodes that consisted of some pretty bad filler which focused on a rather annoying minor character, but its easy enough to skip over them. However, in general the good outweighs the bad. 4/5


Despite being an anime original ending, I have to say it was quite well done. Studio Bones really set the bar here for how an anime original ending should be done compared to some other series, *cough*Claymore*cough* the manga is all kinds of awesome but the anime didn't do too bad in the final arc. 4/5


Good shonen anime, well drawn and animated, funny, just the right length. 4/5.


Dear Bones, that is NOT, I repeat: NOT, how you do an ending seperate to the manga.

Yours, A concerned citizen.

Thumbs Down

Scruffy the janitor

I really liked this show, especially the idea of weapons being able to take a human shape. The scenery is also some of the coolest drawing I've seen in a show. All that said the anime only ending kind of sucked, but is was still worth watching if you just act like there will eventually be more. 4/5


The first half of it was surprisingly good for a shounen battle show. The second half was much worse.


Not a bad anime, all in all. I was introduced to the series through it, and it was well animated and I liked the soundtrack. However, there was a drop in quality when the plot diverged from the manga, so I would recommend the manga as the stronger work. It's still ongoing, but the author seems to be building to a climax.
