Sword Art Online

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Sword Art Online
Original Manga Reki Kawahara
Director/Artist Tomohiko Itō
Format Manga
Anime (TV)
Made By A-1 Pictures
Episode Length 25 Minutes
# of Episodes 25


Action, Fantasy

Sum it up in a Sentence:

If you die in the game, you die for real.

Main Description

A new game, Sword Art Online has just come out, and one of the beta testers, Kirito, is ready to log on and beat it. As it turns out though, all of the ten thousand players get stuck inside the game and nobody can leave until all 100 floors of the game are beaten. In addition, if you die in the game, you'll end up dying in real life.

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Personal Opinions


A series with an absolutely stellar first fourteen episodes, with decent character development, amazing animation, and considerably clever plot twists. While the romance in the show feels a little weak, the early characterization is actually really good and it's easy to get caught up in the struggles of Kirito and the others in their efforts to beat Aincrad.

After that, the show turns to utter shit and becomes painful to watch at best. What was an interesting look at part teenage-angst, part Lord of the Flies in a virtual world becomes an effort to make every scene as creepy (or as awkward) as possible. Wrap the show up when the first major plot arc gets wrapped up, you won't be disappointed.

Mors Rattus

I wouldn't go quite as far on how good the first arc is - it's good, but it wasn't the greatest show ever. Still, it is infinitely superior to what came after. Once the first MMO is over, the show turns into creepy dogshit.
