Toshokan Sensou

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Toshokan Sensou (Library War)
Toshokan Sensou.jpg

Fighting for Dr. Seuss has never been this intense!

Light Novel Author Hiro Arikawa (Writer)
Sukumo Adabana (Illustrator)
Director Takayuki Hamana
Format Anime (TV)
Made By Production I.G
# of Episodes 12
# of OVAs 1
# of Light Novel Volumes 4


Action, Comedy, Romance, Suspense

Sum it up in a Sentence

Japan gets all big brother and starts banning books so library armies are formed to keep their dirty mitts off.

Main Description

Set in an alternate reality of Japan, the government establishes the Media Betterment Act that allows censorship of any form of media the government deems harmful to society. In response to agents of the Media Betterment Committee (MBC) that are sent to arrest owners of "harmful" material and confiscate their property, a paramilitary organization called the Library Defense Force (LDF) is established to protect books and the freedom of expression.

The story focuses on the exploits of the recruit Iku Kasahara. She was inspired to join the LDF as a young girl because she was protected by a high-ranking LDF official when agents of the MBC tried to confiscate a book she treasured and wanted to buy. Kasahara is somewhat slow and loses herself in the heat of the moment, but she's shown to be passionate and dedicated. Because of this, she is often singled out and disciplined by her CO, Atsushi Dojo. Kasahara, however, respects all her peers and superiors as she trains and works herself up in the ranks of the LDF. Relationships develop as a result of comraderie, internal conflicts, and the sorties they are sent on.

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I'm joining the military, ma!:

Rage against the machine:

Personal Opinions


My biggest gripe about Toshokan Sensou is that there's just too many things going on at once and could have been balanced better. There's politics, battles, love drama, and comedy all rolled into one and it's a big undertaking; probably too big (at least for the anime medium anyway). Still, if you don't mind being jerked around a bit between wacky time and serious army fighting, Production I.G did a good job animating it as always. If this was any longer than half a season though, I don't know if I would have had the patience to finish it. Give it a try anyway if the premise sounds interesting to you. They do deliver on showing how serious they go with books in here! --Willsun 10:08, 19 May 2011 (UTC)
