Talk:Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

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would you rather have

"Giant robots, sunglasses, drills, giant explosions and so much hot bloodedness you couldn't stir it with an oar. "

as the one-sentence description, or the previous

"Giant robots, sunglasses, drills, giant explosions and so much GAR you couldn't stir it with an oar. "

I personally think the latter sounds better, but someone would have to write a small article explaining what exactly GAR is, for those who may not know.

Zorak: gar is dumb and old

iddqd: well, it's really awkwardly phrased now.

Dan: The new version is better. An unstirrable robot soup simmering in a blood base is much better imagery than whatever GAR is.

iddqd: yeah, but "hot bloodedness"?