The Eccentric Family

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The Eccentric Family
Written By Tomohiko Morimi (Novel)
Shoutarou Suga (anime)
Directed By Masayuki Yoshihara
Format Anime
Made By P.A. Works
# of Episodes 13


Fantasy, Drama

Sum it up in a Sentence:

In present day Kyoto, a tanuki deals with life, an old tengu, and a dark family past.

Main Description

The Shimogamo family used to be a well respected family in tanuki society when Souichirou was the head of the Kyoto tanuki society. This all changed when he was eaten by a group of humans called the Friday Fellows. Now, the Shimogamo family struggles to keep itself together while another tanuki family tries to take its place at the top.

The story follows Yasaburo, one of four sons in the Shimogamo family, as he brings together his disjointed family, takes care of an old tengu, fights other tanuki, deals with a psychic human girl, and learns the truth about his father's death.

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Personal Opinions


Put simply, this show is smart. The characters are well written, and the way they interact and grow was such a joy to watch. The show knows just how much to reveal, and what to leave unsaid. The struggles Yasaburo goes through, trying to balance his responsibilities, with what he wants to do, while trying to come to terms with some things that greatly challenge his view of the world, are wholly engrossing.


A good show with a good mix of drama and comedy, and one of my personal Top 5 for 2013. It boils down to being able to support your family through the toughest times, despite all the flaws and shortcomings that said family members might have. That this lesson comes in the form of a family of shapeshifting tanuki doesn't change things. On a side note, the opening theme is amazing.
