Black Jack

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Black Jack

Original Manga Osamu Tezuka
Format Manga
Made By
Episode Length
# of Eps/Volumes 17



Sum it up in a Sentence

Episodic adventures of a mysterious black market surgeon, who, despite his reputation for callousness and greed, is deep down a much better person than he lets people think.


Black Jack, a shady, black-cloaked man with unusual scars and skin grafts, is a genius surgeon who refuses to get a medical license, supposedly because that would restrict the amount of money he could charge patients for his skills. This has caused him to obtain a reputation as a greedy, immoral, charlatan, a reputation he seems amused by and actually encourages. His reputation for medical genius, however, outweighs his bad reputation so much that people and hospitals from all over the world seek him out to try to perform seemingly impossible operations. While he does have a dark streak, he will typically try to use his medical prowess to help those in need, often doing surgeries for free, usually only charging the outrageous fees he's famous for when a patient comes to him who he sees as a bad person.

Pinoko is Black Jack's adoptive daughter and sidekick. She began life as a Teratoma that contained such complete organs that it was essentially a sentient person. Black Jack extracted her from her host and constructed an artificial body for her. She looks, thinks, and acts like a small child, but insists she's both an adult and Black Jack's wife due to her existing as a tumor for 18 years before being given a body.

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Personal Opinions

Falls Down Stairs

This is probably my favourite manga, and I am typically adverse to more episodic things. The stories are all exceptionally well told, and the characters very memorable. The portrayal of medical and surgical practice is especailly fascinating; Tezuka drew extensively upon his medical education when he drew this.
