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The moon has a malignant tumor.
Manga Author Hajime Yatate (creator)
Hiroyuki Yoshino
Director Masakazu Obara
Format Anime (TV), Manga
Made By Sunrise
# of Episodes 26
# of Manga Volumes 5


Action, Drama, Fantasy, Romance

Sum it up in a Sentence

Girls with superpowers and pet monsters.

Main Description

Plot Synopsis

Mai Tokiha is an average high school girl and devoted older sister who earns a scholarship to the prestigious Fuuka Academy. What she doesn't know is that she is a HiME; one of 12 girls with magical powers. With all of the HiMEs gathered secretly at Fuuka Academy, under the influence of the mysterious chairman of the school, Mashiro Kazehana, each girl is faced with maintaining the normal lives they know, and dealing with their powers. Mai is thrust into a world of fighting monsters, secrets, uncovering sinister plots, and coming to terms with just who it is that she cares for the most. As more and more HiMEs are uncovered, the truth behind the HiMEs and the land of Fuuka start to come to light.

It should be noted that the plot and story of the manga is radically different from the anime. The above plot synopsis is about the anime.

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Personal Opinions


This show starts out with a pretty cliche high-school setting, and medicore monster-of-the-week action, that doesnt really seem to be going anywhere. Then it gets gradually more awesome, and once the mid-series plot twist kicks in, i couldn't stop watching. There are multiple interesting and original characters, the storyline is quite dramatic and emotionally heavy, the soundtrack is decent and the fights flashy and well animated. The ending was a bit of a turn-off but the series is still one of my all-time favourites, even with its flaws.

Vaerai Archon

it was the most awful and boring show ever. Everything about it felt forced, the relationships, the character quirks, right down to even the entire premesis of the series itself. The story itself dragged on and on with no pay off and the after credit character profile segments were just plain terrible or outright embarassing.

one of the worst series I have seen ever it ranks right up there with Green Green terrible



Huge guilty pleasure of mine. I can't really argue against any criticism except to say that despite all the suck and the lame, I had a great time watching (and rewatching) this years ago. It starts off terribly cliche, but by episode 8 you'll get a taste of what's to come. The show never stops being some level of lame, but the latter episodes mix in enough potent awesome to distract you from it. The music is also a worthy distraction. The ending goes from badass intense to cop-out ridiculous in a single episode, but I just pretend I didn't see it and make up a different ending in my head (this comes in incredibly handy for almost all anime). So I still say the ending is great (minus the very end), but I doubt I'll go buy it on blu-ray.


For a show supposedly about fighting, it starts really slow and spends a lot of time on character interaction, but its not without purpose. Once the inevitable plot-twist bombshell is dropped, the characters and their relationships take on a whole new meaning and the entire tone of the show changes. The action heats up and there's an aura of genuine dramatic intensity. Leading up to what is possibly the worst non-ending of any anime in history.


Pretty good twists utilized by the whole who-dies-with-who concept. Well-animated action. As everyone said though, the ending was a super lame way to wrap everything up. Still worth watching up to the last episode. --Willsun 04:51, 9 June 2011 (UTC)
