Skip Beat!

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Skip Beat!

Original Manga Yoshiki Nakamura
Director/Artist Kiyoko Sayama
Format Anime (TV), Manga
Made By Hal Film Maker
Episode Length 25 minutes
# of Eps/Volumes 27+ (Manga)
25 (Season 1)


Drama, Comedy, Romance, Shoujo

Sum it up in a Sentence

Follows a teenage girl who, upon discovering a great passion and talent for acting, struggles towards success, while remaining romantically oblivious.

Main Description

Plot Synopsis

Mogami Kyoko has adored Shotaro since childhood. She gave up high school to support his efforts as a musician. Now at age 14, Kyoko happily works multiple part time jobs to make their rent while thinking of nothing but Sho, the now up-and-coming mega celebrity and focus of her life... Until she learns she's being used.

Kyoko overhears Sho refer to her as a "plain and boring girl" unfit for a star like him. And thus a new Kyoko is born with a greater and darker purpose: rise to the top ranks of the entertainment industry, and make Sho choke on his words.

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Personal Opinions


Kyoko is the most likable lead ever. Period. Her two sides (innocent and angelic Kyoko/vengeful and jaded Kyoko) complement each other to make her something admirable from any perspective. And the shreds of heartbreak from her past and present only make her more empathetic. Simply put, it is psychologically impossible not to love her. If you don’t, check your pulse.

Now I haven’t watched/read a great deal of Shoujo (yet), but this must be top tier. All the supporting characters are fun and fleshed out (even the traitorous Sho), and even though it’s no surprise that Kyoko overcomes all obstacles, how she does so always managed to impress me. So I eagerly await season two to keep up the awesome, and consider this a "must watch" for the genre.


Anime News Network Skip-Beat! Entry

Skip-Beat! Streaming on Crunchyroll