Zero no Tsukaima

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Zero no Tsukaima
Original Manga N/A
Director/Artist Yoshiaki Iwasaki
Format Anime (TV)
Made By J.C. STAFF
Episode Length 23 minutes
# of Eps/Volumes 13


Action, Fantasy, Comedy

Sum it up in a Sentence

An incompetent female mage summons her "familiar" which ends up being a commoner human, unlike any other familiar the other mages have summoned.

Main Description

Since this series doesn't deserve a "proper" description, I'll go ahead and sum it up for you some more:


Repeat ad nauseum. Seriously. That's all the stupid bitch says for the whole fucking series. In fact, you can avoid Rie Kugimiya in just about everything you see her in, with the exception of a few shows you should probably ask about in the first place anyway. She's fetish fuel, and not the good kind, either.

I suppose you can watch this shit if you like having stiletto heels stabbed in your scrotum, but then you should probably get the fuck out of here.

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Personal Opinions


It's droll repetitive "lets milk shitty tsundere plots as much as possible". Unless you're some kind of masochist (hurr) don't bother with it.


This series is a time sink trap. There is just barely enough glimpses of plot threads in the first season to sucker you into staying with it. There are a couple of really interesting threads (Sword of the Commoners, the link between the two worlds, the civil war, a possible war between commoners and mages, the true nature of magic, and the fact that the main character occasionally exhibits some real balls) that keep you watching through the cliches, the fanservice, and the tsundere waiting hoping for them to finally take hold. Don't do it. Nothing good actually ever pulls together. Not horrible (I didn't turn it off in disgust), but certainly not good. 2/5


Agreeing with Buzmeg because it sapped a lot of my time too when I was sucked into this. Kugimiya Rie does what she does best though, so if you're a hardcore fan of her, you can watch this. This series is pretty fanservice-driven and scares me how much it panders to sadomasochism under the veil of the main female character being a "tsundere." --Willsun 09:57, 2 June 2010 (UTC)


No, seriously, this series is tragically awful. There are so many plot hooks everywhere that are just completely abandoned in favor of ridiculous harem anime bullshit. It doesn't feel completely like a harem anime at first, but by about halfway there can be no doubt.


I might be the only person on this wiki who enjoyed this show, and I can't even really tell why. After a while, the Louise/Saito couple must have grown on me, and there was some minor good ideas in the series, mostly the stuff about objects of the normal world appearing in the magical world (the "staff of destruction" and the final fights of season 1 and 4). I forgive plot inconsistensies because the author got cancer, but at the same time, the plot was so disjointed that even as a fan, I don't even remember what happened in the 3rd season! As a popcorn, fluffy and not serious fantasy/comedy show, it deserves a 4/5 (and I think I'm being extremely generous), but let's be honest, there's much better stuff to watch.
