My Balls

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My Balls
My balls pic.JPG
Original Manga Harada Shigemitsu
Director/Artist Seguchi Takahiro
Format Manga
Made By Young Animal Arashi
Episode Length NA
# of Eps/Volumes 3+ (ongoing)


Comedy, Romance

Sum it up in a Sentence:

My Balls is an insane little comedy about a man who can't ejaculate for a whole month otherwise humanity will be destroyed.

Main Description

Little did SATOU Kohta know that the evening of July 1st, 20XX would mark the beginning of both his best, and worst month ever. While returning home from drinking, he stops to urinate in what he believes to be an uninhabited location. Little does he know that he's urinating on a little ball that happens to be where an angel is currently sealing the Dark Queen of Hell, Emanniel. After this is over, Kohta learns that he's not allowed to ejaculate for the entire month of July, otherwise Emanniel will be freed and she will take over the face of the Earth destroying all mankind.

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Personal Opinions


This series seriously screwed with my sense of superfluousness in a story. I mean, I've never actually had anything make me say "Oh wow, Japan" as much as I have whilst reading this manga. If you want to turn your brain off and enjoy mindless, lewd comedy, then this is definitely the series to do it with.

Keyboard Kid

Every single chapter of My Balls became more and more insane, to the point where you kind of just see the blatant sex and nudity as nothing out of the ordinary. This is good thing. My Balls is hilarious and amazingly over the top. It's one of the funniest manga I've read, and I recommend it to everyone (above the age of 18, of course).


SA Thread
Scanlator's Website
MangaUpdates' Info Page