My Neighbor Totoro

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My Neighbor Totoro
This is my cute shit.
Mei and Totoro enjoy the rain.
Director Hayao Miyazaki
Format Anime (Movie)
Made By Studio Ghibli
Length 86 minutes
Year 1988



Sum it up in a Sentence:

A family moves to the countryside and two young girls discover the beauty and magic of nature. Also, there's a catbus.

Main Description

A college professor and his two daughters, Satsuki and Mei, move out to a sleepy country village so they can be close to where the hospital where their mother is staying for a long-term treatment. The girls soon discover that there's magical spirits all around them, from tiny soot-sprites hiding in their home, to a large rabbit/racoon/bear creature that makes the plants grow.

Their father's distant job puts some stress on the girls, but they adjust well to their country life. Their father brings them word that their mother should be able to come home for a holiday and are overjoyed. Unfortunately, their mother takes a sudden turn for the worse and cannot come home. This causes Satsuki to panic and snap at her younger sister Mei, which leads to Mei running off and disappearing. Satsuki and the village all band together to find Mei before anything happens to her.

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Personal Opinions


There's a plot to this movie, and a message about growing up, but really, this movie is a love letter to the peaceful, idyllic Japanese countryside of the director's childhood. The real central character is the scenery, and it is masterfully executed. There's an truly enchanted feeling to this movie that is hard to describe. It's magical in a honest, effortless way that makes it enjoyable to children and adults. It's a movie that everyone owes it to themselves to see.


Wikipedia page
ANN page